More info coming soon
3 Grand Prize Winners will be selected for this year's competition. One by writer Meg LeFauve (CAPTAIN MARVEL, INSIDE OUT), one by writer Stephany Folsom (TOY STORY 4, THE RINGS OF POWER), and one by Samuel D. Hunter (THE WHALE). Each Grand Prize winner will receive from their respective mentor: a virtual meeting, and project development insight.
More info coming soon
Signed with a Literary Manager
"ScreenCraft somehow found my unique needle in the haystack and for that I am so grateful. Traction in their competitions helped me believe in my voice and story, and gave me confidence to keep writing. After becoming a Finalist and winning Honorable Mention in their Feature Competition, I was introduced to a wonderful community of like-minded writers, and given full support on thinking through next steps to further my career as a writer. The placements I received in ScreenCraft's competitions gave my script visibility and credibility, which led to several meetings and inquiries from managers and production companies. Moreover, [they] are there to guide me, vouch for me, and continue to encourage me as a creative, well past the competition wins. That is invaluable."
Signed with a literary manager at Stride Management
"It’s especially hard to keep going when you’re not getting a lot of outside validation, it can feel like blind trust or that you’re straight up delusional. Because, sure, you may not be good right now, but if you keep writing you will get good. It’s inevitable. I wasn’t a good writer when I started over ten years ago, I never went to film school or took a writing course, but I kept writing and that has made me a better writer. I found ScreenCraft when I googled best screenplay competitions. It made the top 5! ScreenCraft has been such an answered prayer. I’ve said this before and I’m going to say it again, ScreenCraft feels like a parental kind of love because they take such good care of their writers. My goal before going into ScreenCraft was to get funding for Adult Section so I could make it on my own. NOW, I don't have to make it on my own, I have producers attached."
Signed with a literary manager
"What first drew me to ScreenCraft was the high-caliber level of industry execs they continually get to judge the competitions. I like how genre-specific their competitions are to provide you with the best feedback and opportunity to advance in your specific genre. After placing as a Finalist in the Feature Competition, they worked with every Finalist to help drill down to a curated list of people to query. They greatly helped craft a strong, attention-grabbing query that led to script requests. After placing as a Finalist or higher in other comps, I can say that ScreenCraft walks the walk, while the other competitions could not back up their “talk” regarding placement benefits."
Signed with a literary manager at Epicenter
"I chose Screencraft specifically for their Career Development Program - I knew it would be more useful than even a cash prize. But to be honest, I had no idea just how hard ScreenCraft works for their writers. Throughout the process, I felt cared for and respected. It was exciting, but also realistic and actionable. Whether it was giving me quick feedback on a one-sheet, or pumping me up before I spoke with an exec, [the ScreenCraft Team] was a lifesaver. Screencraft sent my script out to a targeted network, and as a result I’ve had meetings with managers and production companies, and we’re currently working to set up another meeting with an agency."
Attached talent to his feature script
"ScreenCraft has helped me hone my personal pitch, how I sell myself as a writer. What are my strengths and what unique qualities and voice do I offer as a screenwriter. I've developed strategies and a query email to approach industry people and how exactly to seek out like minded content creators who might be looking for exactly the type of work I create."
April 28 | by ScreenCraft
Every successful screenwriter has their own unique journey, but many share the same milestones on their way to the top. When writers begin their career,...
January 7 | by Ken Miyamoto
What can screenwriters do to write compelling second acts within their screenplays? In the end, every cinematic story has a three-act structure — a beginning,...
July 5 | by Ken Miyamoto
Perhaps the biggest difference lies in the reality of writing a spec script. Since the screenwriter hasn't been hired to write the script, they have...
June 20 | by Ken Miyamoto
Academy Originals' Creative Spark Series features Oscar-winning screenwriter Paul Haggis as he takes viewers inside his screenwriting process. Haggis moved to California from Canada in his...
The winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:
In addition to the scoring criteria for the script, ScreenCraft may conduct interviews and send questionnaires to learn more about the entrant, their voice, perspective, and goals to help identify the winning projects. Top scripts are read by the industry jury who votes for their favorite scripts at their sole discretion.
Criteria for Winners and Finalists:
More info coming soon