
2023 ScreenCraft Stage Play Contest Winners

by ScreenCraft on March 1, 2023

We are excited to announce the Winner and Runner-Up of the 2023 ScreenCraft Stage Play Contest. These exceptional plays were selected from almost 700 submissions. Congratulations!

Grand Prize Winner

The Advocate by Bill Mesce

WW II Army lawyer Harry Voss investigates a fighter ace accused of shooting down one of his own men, wondering why the flyer is so eager to confess, but then learns he’s confessing to one crime to conceal a greater crime, one the top brass doesn’t want revealed.


Talk of the Town by Mike Bencivenga

Adapted from James Thurber's book "The Years With Ross" the play tells the story of the birth of The New Yorker magazine and Thurber's relationship with it's eccentric editor-in-chief, Harold Ross.

Stay tuned as we will be announcing the Add-on Prize Winner in the coming weeks!

We'd like to thank our esteemed jury that included: Jeffrey Whitty (Tony-Award Winning Playwright), Jonathan Mills (Agent, Paradigm), Kata Wéber (Playwright and Screenwriter), Amy Wagner (Agent, A3 Artists Agency), Lucy Powis (Agent, A3 Artists Agency), Beth Blickers (Agent, APA), Caitlin Cleary (Director of Development, Imagine Entertainment), Elise Griffin (Literary Agent, Paradigm).

Congratulations again to these winning writers and finalists, and to everyone who submitted projects; we read a number of truly remarkable plays. View all the quarterfinalistssemifinalists and finalists by clicking the corresponding link.

If you’d like to receive a notification when this contest re-opens for entries, you can subscribe for updates via Coverfly here.

For all the latest ScreenCraft news and updates, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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