
ScreenCraft Writing Competitions Coming Up in 2020

by ScreenCraft - updated on April 9, 2020

We're happy to announce all of our competition opening dates and deadlines for 2020 -- and the new year comes with new changes. Starting in 2020, all of ScreenCraft's genre screenplay competitions will accept features, TV and short scripts.

Previously, we only accepted feature screenplays for our genre competitions, leaving short script submissions to our Short Screenplay Competition, and TV script submissions to our Pilot Launch TV Script Competition and the ScreenCraft Fellowship. However, as the industry has evolved in recent years, many professional writers are focused equally on a wide variety of formats, including feature film, episodic and short form. So we've re-organized our competitions. We've eliminated our Short Screenplay Competition (and now each genre competition accepts short scripts as well as feature and TV), and we've expanded our 2020 Pilot Launch TV Script Competition by introducing a Series Bible requirement. We'll be releasing more information here on our blog and on the competition pages as we get closer to the date. You can subscribe to all our competitions via Coverfly to get automatic email notifications when our competitions open for entries. 

Without further ado:

Click Here for ScreenCraft's 2020 Screenwriting Competitions


One of ScreenCraft's biggest differences, compared to other writer talent-discovery programs, is that we tailor the prize package and the jury to each unique genre. We believe that a good script MUST be matched with a good reader who also loves and understands the genre of your screenplay.

Here's to a successful new year of creativity and growth for all writers!

Here are ScreenCraft's 2020 writing competitions, in order of opening date:

We look forward to reading your work!

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